Life moves lightening quick. Info is constantly being thrown at you, demands big and small come into your sphere every day. Finish one task and another one is waiting to be completed. Free time is spent running errands. Your home isn’t a refuge from the demands of your amazing life.  Instead, it is a beast that needs managing:  stuff needs fixing, cleaning, updating. Here are few ways a personal concierge can help.

You will actually get some free time!

Delegating all or a portion of your to do list will give you more time.  Imagine how much time you would gain if instead of going to the grocery store, your food just magically appeared in your fridge and your pantry was stocked every week? Do you really need to run to Target to get hand soap? We can give you more time. It’s up to you on how you spend it.

Your home will become your refuge (within reason.)

If you're empty nesters or live alone, your home will be clean, tidy, efficient and tailor made to your liking. If you’ve kids, let’s be real. It’s going to be a bit chaotic (blame the kids!) but a personal concierge can help create systems to tame the chaos.  They can tackle the playroom and work with your teens to clean out their closets.  

A to do list that isn’t a soul crushing

Have you ever procrastinated getting an oil change despite the light blinking at you for weeks in your car? Feel bad that your pup is 4 months late for the vet and his nails are TikTok worthy but not in a good way? Ever wish you could just throw away all that mail piled up on your desk without ever having read a piece of it? Really wish a magic fairy could take care of your plants instead of feeling like a bad plant mom who forget to water her kids?

Putting things off usually happens  for two reasons. One, despite being important tasks, other more urgent tasks occupy most of your day or two, you hate doing those things.  A personal concierge loves making your life better and will do almost anything to help (the caveat being legal and ethical).

Sometimes we spend more time managing our lives that we do living them.  Let’s change that.

“Life moves lightening quick. Info is constantly being thrown at you, demands big and small come into your sphere every day. Finish one task and another one is waiting to be completed. ”

Get more time for the things you love!

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